My Xenogenders part 3!!
Pink Angelic- A gender connected to being a pink angel, being connected to pink angels, or being connected to the color pink and angels.
Celestae- A xenogender perceived as celestial, angelic, and otherworldly.
Essedennic- A gender related to being a heavenly being. This gender may feel angelic or holy!
Anlomeltic- A gender under angelgender and lovegender, relating to feeling, being inlove, innocence and angel themes.
Genderfumeosa- A gender related to hot baths, rose scented perfume, candles, and bath salts.
Astuiyn- A gender connected to the specific feeling of curling up on a fluffy rug in a sun warm spot from a window and your skin feeling warm.
Drowsygender- A gender that is soft and connected to sleep, being drowsy, and tiredness.
Angelcore- This gender feels a strong connection with angels and or perceives themself as one.
Angeliminix- A gender tied to liminal spaces but also connected to divine entities such as angels and or gods.
Harpgender- a gender connected to harps. This gender may feel as if itโs a set of strings producing a soft and gentle sound due to the soft plucking of the strings. It may also feel angelic depending on the tune.
Sommolin- A gender which is soft, sensitive, dreamy, related to pastel things, soft cutesy things, blankets, and being sleepy.
Nocatsleepyic- A gender that is related to sleepy cats, books, tranquility, large sweaters, night, space, soft, and cute.
Lambplustaric- A gender connected to lambs, plushies, and stars!
Dreamycoric- A Coric gender relating to dreamy aesthetics. This gender feels soft, light, hazy, and sleepy.
Angelgirl- A gender relating to angels in a feminine way.
Angelency- A gender relating to being an angel or identifying as such for any reason.